Introduction: Hospitals should provide necessary conditions for the renewal of knowledge, skill and attitude through unlearning. Thus, the present study aimed to determine the relationship between antecedents and processes of unlearning and organizational innovation among the teaching hospitals of Hamedan.Methods: This is a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population of the study included 1352 health personnel in four teaching hospitals of Hamedan. To select the administrative personnel, we used the total population; also, for physicians, and for the health personnel we used purposeful voluntary sampling and stratified random sampling, respectively. Based on the methods, 431 were selected as the subjects. Research instruments were unlearning researcher-made questionnaire and innovation scale. Data were analyzed through multivariate regression analysis and structural equation model using SPSS19 and LISREL 8.54 software.Results: The results indicated that organizational support and training, frequency of changes, and predictability of changes were the positive and significant predictors of the product, process and administrative dimensions. The group crisis was the negative and significant predictor of the product and administrative dimensions. Organizational memory was the positive and significant predictor of the administrative dimension. Individual processes, group processes, and organizational processes were the positive and significant predictors of organizational innovation.Conclusion: Based on the effective role of organizational support and training, organizational memory and frequency of changes and predictability of changes on innovation in teaching hospitals, it is suggested that the administrators and authorities of the hospitals should accept new opinions of their personnel.Keywords: Unlearning, Teaching hospitals, Organizational innovation, Health personnel |
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